Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th 2010 - Sorry!

I apologize for not updating the blog as of late. Allow me to offer explanation as to why...

Using an outside blog source ( gives us limited choices in how we can organize entries and display them on the site. We've also been having some trouble getting the blogs to display properly for some browsers.
We will be creating our own site blog within the next few months that should remedy all of these issues. In the meantime, I am not positive that all our prior entries will carry over. Soooo....I don't want to post too much up here in fear that it may be lost in transition.
Once we get the new blog set up and running, I will be posting quite regularly. We will also be adding a new feature....


Yup, video tutorials will be posted in the blog section. We will choose the most popular picture tutorials and feature them as a video tutorial so that you can see them in action. ;)

Thank you all for your patience!

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15th 2010 - Sugar Vanity

Hey everyone!

I wanted to announce that I am now modeling for Sugar Vanity designs. I couldn't be more thrilled because I absolutely love their creations. Afterall....
Jewelry + Sugar = Awesome!

(and you don't have to be a mathematical genius to figure that one out.)

Here are just a few of my modeling pics that show off their jewelry and hair flowers:

Check out their shop for more pics!
Oh...and buy stuff!!

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21st 2009 - Just a little thought...

Never ever waste time worrying about what people may be saying about you. Obviously, you affected their lives...they haven't affected yours!

Live a drama free life, be nice to everyone, kill them with kindness. Being a positive person will get you far in life and make you someone that others can look up to. No one has ever become famous by making enemies and driving people away. (at least, not the kind of fame you'd actually want.)

Just thought I'd put this out there. Some people wonder why I am "popular" or "famous" when I'm really no different then any other alternative girl obsessed with fashion. What I wrote above is the key to my success. ;) Try it sometime, and you'll see.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8th 2009 - The Geek Trend

It's a sad sad day when I make a post to a so-called "Uber Geek" Forum about Carl Sagan (it was Carl Sagan day just the other day, you know) and the only response I get is a "didn't know, didn't care" shrug off.
I realize that being a geek now is considered "in" but I'm starting to wonder...

Where did all the real geeks go???

Don't get me wrong; I am elated that so many are now embracing their inner "nerd". But perhaps there are too many who are donning the uniform without following the mindset.

Just the other night I was at work and some kid was wearing a science themed tee and was bragging about his Spiderman underwear. So of course, I start discussing some of the more recent arcs in the Spiderman series and Joe Quesada's (asinine) comments at Comic Con about said arcs...and this kid just stood there with blank look on his face and admitted "I actually never read a Spiderman comic before."

It is like this all the time for me now. With the rise in popularity of comic book heroes, video game characters, and nerdy takes a clever eye to spot the real from the fake. Now let me repeat what I said before, as my intentions are not to offend, nor to sway anyone from delving into traditionally geeky hobbies and pastimes: I condone and even encourage others to jump on this particular bandwagon.
But! Is it too much to ask that you at least learn something in the process????

After all, you wouldn't wear a band tee without listening to the music first, right?
So why would you wear a Iron Man tee without having ever having flipped through the pages of an Iron Man or Avengers comic???
Or wear a shirt with Master Chief on it without ever having played a single game of Halo??

There is a lot more to being a geek then wearing the clothes and using the vernacular. (Online gaming slang has pretty much been ruined for me now.) Honestly, most people will never really know how it feels to be geeky...and that is a good thing to some extent! It isn't all peaches and cream you know. I have spent most of my life hiding some of my more embarrassing hobbies (many of which I don't have to hide anymore simply because most people see "hot chick" first and...well...we all know "hot chick" trumps "geek"). I still struggle with social anxiety, shyness, and my overall introverted-ness. I hate the fact that anytime I am faced with crowds or intimidating social situations, my stomach gets upset and I am confined to the bathroom much of the night. I hate that no matter how well I know someone, I still dread going out in public "to hang" and I have butterflies in my stomach worrying about if they are bored or discontent with me. And I hate that when I get scared or shy, my voice gets higher and lighter to the point of being almost inaudible.
It is not a normal life. But I've learned to accept it and even love it. I may never be the social butterfly or the extroverted party girl that I always wished I had the guts to pull off. But I have found a small circle of friends who share many of the same problems and personality glitches that I do...and we have much in common as far as interests go.
And I have my family too. They are some of the most intelligent, well spoken people I have ever known; yet the most likely the cause of my geekiness. My dad is the founder of the Chestmont Astronomical Society and my mother is hardcore into the SCA. Oh, and my sister works at GameStop and hopes to one day join the Fragdolls or program video games. And my boyfriend of seven years is an Actuary and competes in National Sudoku Championships (and finished third last year!).
So yeah...not a lot of cool kids in my crowd...but I like it that way.

But I digress. Back to point!

My point is...yes, try on the geeky lifestyle. Read some comic books, join your local Astronomy club, try currency tracking, go to a Sci-Fi Convention, get some books on Astrophysics, or whatever floats your boat.
Don't just look like you know it...actually KNOW it.
Because not enough of us have an interest in science and mathematics.
Because Marvel needs better writers and artists.
Because NASA gets less than 1% of federal funding.

And most importantly...
Because I don't want to live in a world where no one knows who Carl Sagan is.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22nd 2009 - New to Comics?

A lot of people write to me and ask my advice on how to get started in the vast world of comic books. Given the seemingly endless amount of titles, graphic novels, and on-going series that cover the shelves, it is no wonder many newbies find themselves overwhelmed.

Rather than just grabbing piles of choices based on what your friends like, what is most popular, or what has the prettiest cover art...slow down and take some time to approach comic collecting with a clear head and a little bit of know-how.

Here is my advice:

First - figure out what you like - Do you like characters who are basically good people? Or do you like a superhero who has a questionable past and may not always do the right thing? Do you like stories set in cities, small western towns, space, etc?? Do you like the whole Superhero get-up and crazy powers...or do you prefer your Superheroes to be more like normal people?? Do you like classic comic book writing or do you like to see elements of Science Fiction, horror, or Manga in your titles??
Figure out which heroes/series best match your answers and continue from there.

Second - Find maybe three characters or titles who most interest you- Three at the most! Seriously, if you really want to get into comics, start small and branch out as you go. Find two or three titles/characters that possess the qualities that interest you and get to know them really well. Read up on them, find important back issues ( is awesome for back issues!), buy their trades, heck...even check out their online fansites.

Third - Get a pull- Go to your local comic shop and let them know that you are serious about getting into comics and that you would like to start a "pull list". Most shops require so many books on your list before they start pulling titles for you. Just let them know that you are starting out small as you learn the characters but plan to add on very soon. Most stores will let that fly in hopes of getting a good regular customer. Oh! And if you have a favorite character...make a note of it on your pull list. Big Deadpool fan? Well, the man shows up in more than just his own comics and you may not want to miss out on it. If you make a note of it, your shop may catch issues that he appears in that you didn't know about.

Forth - Find a Buddy- Now that you know what you want to read and you are getting regular titles....try to find someone who has been reading that series for awhile. Perhaps a friend of a friend, or someone who works at your comic shop, or an online community friend. Cause as you read, you may find that you don't understand a reference the character makes or know who some of the less important heroes and villains are who make brief appearances.
Now you could keep Wikipedia open as you read in case you stumble into the unknown. But honestly, it is much more fun to talk with someone on a personal level about it and they can give you more insight on the relationships between characters and the importance of events in that series. Plus, debating is fun and is a staple in the comic book reading world!

Fifth - Branch out slowly - Don't be in a rush to learn every character from every series. Comic book collecting is expensive nowadays and with crossover events being thrown at us every few can get pretty confusing! Stick with what you know and when you feel like you have a pretty good understanding of those characters (and a little extra money to spend on Wednesdays), then maybe find another title or two to start collecting.

One more thing to consider: Many of the big comic book publishers keep continuity throughout many of their large titles, this is called a Multiverse. In the Marvel Universe, for example, most of their superhero titles take place on Earth-616. This means that Spiderman, Wolverine, and Captain America can all bump into each other on occasion. The characters are all written to exist on the same planet at the same time period.
I am telling you this because if you are considering reading books that are part of a Multiverse, it might be best to just stick with one company at a time. Trying to start out by reading DC's JLA and Marvel's Avengers at the same time may prove to be quite overwhelming. These large companies are quite fond of Crossover events (arcs that span over several titles) and will hit you with a barrage of new characters.
You may find it easier to just stick with one company's books in the beginning. Learn about the Avengers and all the heroes they frequently deal with before trying to take on a completely new universe.

Does all this seem like a lot of work? Don't worry, it is more fun than it sounds!
Take your time, do your homework, and pretty soon you'll find yourself able to converse with even the most knowledgeable comic book connoisseurs.

Monday, September 28, 2009

September 28th 2009 - Zombie Prom

Last night was Zombie Prom down at the Troc in Philadelphia. This is its third year and I am pleased to say, it is still a blast. It was a bit more crowded this year than the ones before but we managed to squeeze through masses of our fellow undead and have a good time.

Getting ready to leave for the prom...

At the Prom...

Check out the Philly Zombie Crawl Website for more of their events and information!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sept 16th 2009 - Fun with Rats!

After we did tutorials a few days ago, my friends and I decided to play with my pet rats. We waited until almost everyone left and blocked off all the rooms upstairs so the ratties could run around the hallway.

So what happened?

Crazy fun happened, that's what!!

Rats pounce Jay:

Cely likes Penelope....awwww...:

Trying to get my attention:

Want one?

Vanessa gives the rat a kiss:

Vanessa eats the rat...Wha???

Party in the pants: